速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / MAGUS - BOOK 1






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MAGUS - BOOK 1(圖1)-速報App

The Magus, or Celestial Intelligencer is a handbook of the occult and ceremonial magic compiled by occultist Francis Barrett published in 1801.

The Magus is one of the primary sources for the study of ceremonial magic, and for a long time was one of the rarest and most sought after of the 19th century grimoires. Barretts' magnum opus embodies deep knowledge of Alchemy, Astrology, and the Kabbalah, and has been cited by the Golden Dawn and other occult and esoteric movements as source material. Written in 1801 in the middle of the 'Age of Reason', sandwiched between Newton and Darwin, this was possibly the last epoch that a work like this could be composed.

Contents of this Magus app includes:

★ Preface

★ Introduction to the Study of Natural Magic

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★ The First Principles of Natural Magic: Book the First

-Chapter I: Natural Magic Defined...

-Chapter II. Of The Wonders Of Natural Magic...

-Chapter III: Of Amulets, Charms, And Enchantments

-Chapter IV: Of Unctions, Philters, Potions, &c.--Their Magical Virtues

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-Chapter V: Of Magical Suspensions And Alligations...

-Chapter VI: Of Antipathies

-Chapter VII: Of The Occult Virtues Of Things...

-Chapter VIII: Of The Wonderful Virtues Of Some Kind Of Precious Stones

-Chapter IX: Of The Mixtures Of Natural Things One With Another, And The Producing

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Of Monstrous Animals...

-Chapter X: Of The Art Of Fascination, Binding, Sorceries, Magical Confections,

Lights, Candles, Lamps...

★ The Jewel of Alchymy

-Epistle To Museus

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-To The Reader

-Part the First: Of Alchymy, Its Divine Origin...

-Of The Preparation Of A Man To Qualify Him For The Search Of This Treasure...

-Part II: Of The Manner Of Extracting The First Matter Of The Philosophers' Stone

★ The Celestial Intelligencer

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-Chapters Ito Chapter XLVI

★ Recommended Resources

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